Saturday, July 2, 2011

Finally. I am finally here. 

I have been telling myself that I need to start blogging. But not for myself, for my photography business. Yet I could never find the time. But here I am today, creating my first blog post. And what has finally motivated me? I need an outlet.

I use my Facebook for my business. It is filled with clients of all religious and political beliefs. I don't want to offend those who could potentially pay my next moth's electric bill, if you know what I mean. And so I here I am in the realm of semi-anonymous blogging. An online diary that I can't help but hope someone, somewhere will read. I want so much to find my voice. To share my thoughts on life and on myself and the perspective I have to offer. 

I don't want to be afraid to speak anymore. And yet I guess I am. Because I hesitate to put in the title of this blog what I really want to say. That I am a recovering Evangelical Christian and that I need to be heard and I need to hear from others who understand. That I want answers - and I want people to answer for their beliefs and behaviors - a want I will most likely never have met  - and that is something that I need to face.

And so here I type...words that may or may not ever be read. Hopefully they will speak to at least one person some day - myself. Welcome, self, to your journey. It is time to dance - in the light.


  1. OMG! I'm a recovering Evangelical Christian as well! LMAO! Thank you for starting this blog. Maybe we can all find answers together! I'm ready and I have my dancing shoes on! Let's all dance in the light together!


  2. Hi Adomar! Welcome! I am so glad you are relating to this - it is always so great to find others who understand.
